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#663- Peace & Life: War Hysteria & Dobbs Reaction - May 26, 2023

Around the Web

  • In a Washington Post opinion piece, two former governors of Alabama who had executions happen under their administrations explain: We regret Alabama executions.

  • The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) gives a rundown of the disappointing results for nuclear disarmament of last weekend’s G7 summit of national governments held in Hiroshima.


Who Are Our Readers?

We have basically three kinds of people reading Peace & Life Connections, as well as our blog posts:

  • People who primarily identify as consistent-lifers.

  • People who primarily identify as pro-lifers, but are either sympathetic or at least curious on opposition to war and the death penalty, and prefer to be educated on these points by fellow pro-lifers. (Opposition to racism and poverty is already common in the wider pro-life movement.)

  • People who primarily identify as peace and justice activists, but are either sympathetic or at least curious on opposition to abortion and euthanasia, and prefer to hear about this from fellow peace and justice activists. (Opposition to racism and poverty is already common in the wider peace movement,)

So when you read what we publish, be aware: we’re being mindful of all three kinds of readers.



Green America reports: “Thanks to Green America's Skip the Slip campaign, Walgreens is ensuring its receipt paper is free of phenols Bisphenol A (BPA) and Bisphenol S (BPS). BPA and BPS are endocrine disruptors that contribute to developmental, reproductive, and neurological problems.”

We always like to see progress. Now that Walgreens is ensuring its receipts don’t unintentionally contribute to reproductive problems, the next step will be to withdraw its application for distributing pills that would cause reproductive problems – that is, miscarriage – on purpose.

Remember that Walgreens, CVS, and Rite-Aid are on boycott as long as they are applying to distribute abortion pills and especially once they actually do so. For those who can’t do without them as pharmacies, you can at least do a withdrawal of purchasing for those items that can be bought elsewhere.


Our Latest Blog Post

images from Wizard of Oz with Dorothy and the witch and Dorothy holding dog at home with angry neighbor

While we’re undergoing the predictable backlash to the overturn of Roe v. Wade, Rachel MacNair takes note of similarities in the psychology of build up to war, in War Hysteria and Post-Dobbs Reactions.

The kind of thinking in the everyday world where reality is complicated vs. the kind of thinking where battles are fought is illustrated with the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz.


Quotation of the Week

Richard Foster

“Growing Edges”

Renovaré, October 2004

I must give witness “for life” as consistently and as unambiguously as possible.

This witness needs to weave its way throughout all human experience, from the womb to the tomb. This means seeking ways to protect the unborn. This means standing against all forms of prejudice which would dehumanize people precious to God. This means working to eliminate poverty and other dehumanizing social conditions. This means witnessing for peace and reconciliation everywhere possible and laboring hard for genuine alternatives to war. This means seeking out creative alternatives to capital punishment. This means rejecting euthanasia and instead working for a more compassionate end of life environment.

Responses/News Tips/Questions to share are all welcome.


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