Letters & Calls on Policies
Upcoming executions in the United States are listed here and here. Writing or calling the governors of their states helps them know there is widespread opposition (including from other countries, if you're not in the U.S.)
For federal issues in the United States, the U.S. Congress has a Capitol Switchboard number: 1-202-224-3121. This can get U.S. constituencies to their Representatives and Senators.
For individual states and for other countries, most governmental representatives will have a web page to give contact information. Calls to the local office of representatives sometimes stand out more, especially if you have something more substantive to say than “vote yes” or “vote no.” Conversations with staff people can be quite illuminating for both you and them.
This is of course an especially ambitious project, only to be done by those willing to put in a lot of work. A local conference that lasts an afternoon or a full day can help with educating and especially with networking, and getting the creative juices flowing in a group can generate further ideas of action.
Conference Participation
Having literature tables and presenters at conferences is one of Consistent Life’s major activities. If you know of a conference we might like to cover, and especially if you would like to volunteer to help cover it, let us know at
Multi-Site Witness
Some groups have organized marches and rallies to take in several sites: local abortion clinic(s), local military site(s), and a site with a connection to the death penalty. This visibly connects issues of killing and can be presented to the press and the community that way.
Sometimes groups will take a demonstration on one issue that is already well-planned and add on their own march from their presence at other sites, such as going to the local abortion clinic protest and then marching over to a large peace rally, or protesting at a local nuclear-weapons facility before attending a major march against abortion.
Work with your peace, pro-life, and social justice organization(s) to bring in a speaker and/or hold workshops and discussions on connecting life issues. See our speakers list if you want to bring someone in, and also consider local talent.
Our main video is online on our web page, and we also have a variety of videos on our YouTube channel.
If you have a video that should be added to our YouTube channel, please let us know at