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Note: This page contains links to organizations and Web sites working on one or more issues connected to the Consistent Ethic of Life. Some are member groups, others are not. Not all groups linked here are themselves adherents to a consistent ethic, although to our knowledge we have not added links to any group which is actively opposed to our principles on any issue.)


Life Matters Journal
Meehan Reports

no violence period
A Consistent Life Ethic
The Jesus Gospel
The Case Essays - by Peter Queenan
Nonviolent Choice Directory & Nonviolent Choice Blog
be a voice for the voiceless
Priests for Life Consistent Ethic of Life page


Democrats for Life of America
Feminists for Life of America
Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians   


Death Penalty

Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
Death Penalty Information Center
Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation
National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
Death Penalty Focus 



Not Dead Yet
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation



Bread for the World
Jubilee USA Network
Poverty USA 



Crosspoint Anti-Racism
Southern Poverty Law Center 


War & International Conflict

Friends Committee on National Legislation
Pax Christi USA
Catholic Peace Fellowship
Library of Peace
Center for Christian Nonviolence
International Center on Nonviolent Conflict
Peacemaking for Life 



Benenson Society (human rights group founded after Amnesty International took a pro-abortion stance)                                                                    



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