Letters & Calls on Policies
Upcoming executions in the United States are listed here and here. Writing or calling the governors of their states helps them know there is widespread opposition (including from other countries, if you're not in the U.S.)
For federal issues in the United States, the U.S. Congress has a Capitol Switchboard number: 1-202-224-3121. This can get U.S. constituencies to their Representatives and Senators.
For individual states and for other countries, most governmental representatives will have a web page to give contact information. Calls to the local office of representatives sometimes stand out more, especially if you have something more substantive to say than “vote yes” or “vote no.” Conversations with staff people can be quite illuminating for both you and them.
T-Shirts, Buttons, Bumper Stickers, Yard Signs
It can be a great conversation starter or a needed witness. Find messages in various formats at our on-line store.
Write Letters to the Editor & Comments on Blogs
Letters and online comments are among the easiest and cheapest methods we have for educating the public. Short messages with just one point are more likely to be published and more likely to be read. See here for a how-to guide on letters to the editor an op-eds.
With specific groups or to the general public, we offer a variety of leaflets suitable to different occasions. You can download suitable ones and print as many as you need for passing out or setting on tables.
Organize Discussions
Students and instructors can encourage classes to hold discussions about peace and life issues and how they are connected. If you belong to a book group, suggest one of our recommended books. If you are part of a faith community, organize discussions about life issues for your social justice group. (If in a Catholic community, work to connect the social justice and respect life committees and activities in your diocese.)
Join Local Single-Issue Groups
Local groups will let you know more about good local events they sponsor that you can participate in, or bad local events that should be in the news to which you need to respond. In addition to being good in itself, this can give rise to informal occasions for discussing the connections or how helpful consistency is.
When meeting and working with your colleagues in a single-issue group, you can wear CL buttons and/or apparel, and bring handouts.
Get Books Into Libraries
See that your library – public, private, college or university, religious institution – has as many of our recommended books as they would be willing to have. Suggest they purchase or, if they allow and would keep them, donate the books.
Directly Support the Network
Join one of our committees. Help organize a conference. Translate our material into another language. Help us with social media, research, or tabling.