CLN Volunteer & Consultant Needs
In addition to the needs for you to do outreach in your community and the other items outlined on other pages, CLN has volunteer and consultant roles within the organization for which we need people. We do not have an office but operate from various locations where volunteers and consultants live. So where you live is usually not much of a factor in filling these roles. Board roles are uncompensated, except that out-of-pocket expenses are reimbursed where needed.
Board Member
We have a working Board, and could use more committed members. Board members should:
Be fully committed to our Mission Statement;
Take on some significant responsibility with CLN;
Normally participate in Board meetings (whether in person or by conference call);
Respond to e-mails stating "Vote Required" or "Response Needed."
If you have questions about this position, or are interested in volunteering, please contact our President Christy Yao Pelliccioni by email.