Yet Another Heartbreaking Example: Racism Kills

Abortion Defenders Gaining Insights on Life-Affirming Policies

∞ NPR (National Public Radio in the U.S.) has a 7-minute interview with Gloria Purvis (pictured), quite sympathetic to the point of how a “better safety net” is crucial when abortions are banned.
∞ Farron Cousins comments that, though he has disdain for her otherwise, the woman who commented that the reason companies are willing to pay their employees to get out-of-state abortions is that obstetrics and child-rearing are far more expensive to them has a point. He could back that up with his knowledge of corporate documents. He says it’s a good argument for paid family leave.
Democrats for Life Conference
Democrats for Life of America, a CLN member group, will have its annual conference August 5-7 in Los Angeles. Registration information is coming soon.
U.S. State Marches for Life
If Roe goes, U.S. states become especially important in helping end abortion, so state Marches for Life are blooming. We’re hoping to have consistent life and pro-life feminist contingents. So far for 2022:
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Monday, September 19, 2022
Wednesday, October 4, 2022
Blog Post
Our latest is still the one from last week: Reflections on the Alito Draft Leak of May 2, 2022. If you haven’t read it yet, you may find it valuable – differing perspectives on a major news story for our movement.
Also worth another look with current events is Explaining Belligerency, which uses the psychological theory of cognitive dissonance to explain the examples of some strange behavior we’re seeing now and will be seeing for months and probably years to come. Yet that same theory helps explain why we’re also finding more instances of pro-life and consistent-life perspectives covered in mainstream media, as people try to figure out why things are turning out as they are.
We remind everyone that we offer $50 for accepted blog posts. We pride ourselves on our diversity of authors. Here’s the entire list of our posts, put in categories, so you can find what interests you.
Quotation of the Week
Tim Scott, U.S. Senator from South Carolina
The Washington Post, May 17, 2021

I thought of my mother – of all Black mothers like her – during an appearance last week by Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen . . . when Yellen was asked how a ban on abortion might affect the American economy.
[She responded] “I believe that eliminating the right of women to make decisions about when and whether to have children would have very damaging effects on the economy . . . particularly low-income and often Black” mothers . . .
To me, this was stunning. I thought I misheard her . . .
I felt compelled to speak up and speak out on behalf of people like my mom. There are voices today who would tell you that our lives were hopeless . . . that the United States would be better off if people like us didn’t exist at all . . .
But there is a better way . . . In America, the son of a Black single mother can go from poverty to the U.S. Senate in one lifetime. If we want to talk about the economic stability of our country, let’s talk about what we can do to ensure single moms and their kids have access to that same American Dream.