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#653 - Peace & Life: Pharmacies/Mark Crutcher RIP - March 17, 2023

More On Pharmacy Chains Becoming Abortion Facilities

Our member group, Feminists Choosing Life of New York has a listing of the family pharmacies in New York state that can be alternatives to Walgreens, CVS, and Rite-Aid. New Yorkers can use it to find alternatives, and those in other U.S. states might find it to be a good example of what can be done there.

Meanwhile, several news outlets and politicians are decrying Walgreens for “stopping” carrying the abortion pills in the 21 states where they are banned or restricted. But they never did stop offering those there, because they never started offering them. They haven’t started carrying them anywhere yet. They’re only applying for certification to do so.


Mark Crutcher, R.I.P.

Mark Crutcher was a long-time innovative thinker and activist who founded Life Dynamics. He died of a heart attack, age 74, on March 9, 2023.

He was one of those who had a misconception about the consistent life ethic, that its purpose is to water down the abortion issue by challenging pro-lifers to be active on other issues instead. Nevertheless, as is not uncommon among single-issue pro-life activists, he drew connections between the different kinds of violence. For an example see the quote of the week below.

Mark Crutcher in front of screen with words LifeTalk


A Connection between Slavery and the Status of Embryos

A divorcing couple in Virginia were arguing over custody of frozen embryos they had created. Initially at least, the judge used an 1849 slavery law to rule frozen embryos are property – “chattel.”


Our Latest Blog Post

Julia Smucker standing in a doorway in a dining room

Julia Smucker gives a review of the Oscar-nominated short documentary, “The Stranger at the Gate,” in The Violence that Didn’t Happen. With Malala Yousafzai as executive producer, the film tells the true tale of a former US Marine whose hatred and post-war trauma were so intense that he intended to blow up a mosque. Instead, he was won over by the kindness shown to him by the Muslims therein.

Note on the Oscars: while a different film won in the short documentary category, All Quiet on the Western Front, a story on the horrors of war, won for best international picture.


Quotation of the Week

Mark Crutcher (1948-2023)

Talkers are the people who work in the public and political arena to keep abortion legal; doers are the ones who work in the abortion clinics . . . we found that talkers tend to view doers as the ghouls of the movement who perform the disgusting, but necessary, dirty-work. Meanwhile, the doers think the talkers are a bunch of prima-donnas who live to go on national television and talk about what a terrific thing abortion is, but couldn’t stomach watching one if their lives depended on it. . . .

We found the hostility between the abortion industry’s “talkers” and “doers” to be similar to that which often exists during wartime. To the frontline soldier, who lives in constant terror while killing other mother’s sons whom he doesn’t know or hate, the war is not some abstract political philosophy, it’s real and horrible. And while he might crawl through hell on his knees for his buddies in the trench, he is profoundly resentful of the bloated politician who talks about how noble the war is over a $50 lunch in Washington, D.C.

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