Getting into Debates: CLE Candidates Need Your Votes Now
The organization Free and Equal is hosting a presidential debate February 29, with the idea of giving a voice to those who are ignored as not being in the top two parties. They list 66 candidates. They have a voting website where you can rank-choice your top 6 picks, so they can find which candidates have the most support and are therefore worth inviting to the debate.
Candidates are in alphabetical order. The ones we know are of interest to Consistent Lifers:
Peter Sonski is the candidate for our member group the American Solidarity Party. As of January 24, he’s already ranking 7th, so all your votes can clearly make a difference.
Terrisa Bukovinac, with Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising, is running in the Democratic primary for the purpose of raising the issue of abortion as violence.
Media Coverage of the March for Life
The fact that marchers are still going strong in the cold and snow impressed the headline writers. Other than that, the normal bias was present, such as referring to us as “abortion rights opponents.” This is of course ridiculous; we don’t oppose rights, but rather think that using violence as a problem-solver isn’t a right. And violence isn’t even workable as a problem solver. In addition to being wrong, it so often ends up causing more problems.
The coverage in The Hill had a photo we can’t show you due to copyright, but with the large March for Life banner and the Capitol dome in the background, one sign clearly said:
Make America
good again
Good to the unborn
to their mothers
to refugees & immigrants
to workers & farmers
to the Earth
Good to each other –
red & blue, black & white.
Georgetown Webinar Video Now Up
Promoting a Consistent Ethic of Life: Investing in Low-Income Children and Families
The Georgetown Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life recently hosted Patrick T. Brown, Catholic Charities’ Sr. Norma Pimentel and Kerry Alys Robinson, and Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner.
Our Latest Blog Post
In Racism and Planned Parenthood: Documentation, we cover PP’s own admission of its racist history, media articles from journalists who would otherwise be supportive of PP’s mission who expound on the current problems there, and open letters from PP’s own employees.
The research was provided on the website Problems with Planned Parenthood.
Quotation of the Week
Carol Crossed, Guest Columnist
Break the Binary Political Divide on Death
Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, New York, paper edition
October 1, 2023
Both the left and the right often accept death as the answer to our most serious problems. Conservatives often defend the death penalty just as vehemently as liberals cheerlead for abortion. According to Gallup, 55% of the public supports capital punishment for convicted murderers. It also reports a similar percentage of the public is pro-choice on aborting human beings before birth.
Both camps legitimately express concern about the disproportionate number of Black persons killed in both abortion and capital punishment. In the United States, while approximately 13% of our populations identifies as Black, Pew Research reports that 39% of all women who had abortions in 2020 were Black.
The Death Penalty Information Center reports an astounding 34% of those executed were Black.