Election Action Web Page Now Up As promised, in addition to our everyday action pages of Ideas for Individuals and Ideas for Groups, we now have Actions at Election Time page devoted to ideas and resources focused on elections – bumper stickers, flyers and brochures, etc. There’s no comment in the resources or action suggestions specifically on the elections of this year – nor the elections of any given country. It’s all designed for any elections where the candidates being offered simply don’t include consistent-life options. Voting strategies differ, but we’re not content to let it sit with voting. Our election strategy is to challenge all candidates and all voters to realize that if they have the lives of anyone in mind to protect, their principles will be much stronger if they apply them to all.
Bumper stickers and other materials available upon request to thad.crouch@consistent-life.org
Prolife Humanists Spread the Word Prolife Humanists has purchased an info table for the upcoming Women in Secularism Conference, to take place just outside Washington DC, on September 23-26. Kristine Kruszelnicki is eager to have other people help her staff the table, so if you are interested, please contact her at kristine@prolifehumanists.org.
We’ve Hired a New Program Coordinator Former CLN Board Member Thad Crouch is now our National Program Coordinator. Thad has previously worked as a trainer, salesperson, email marketer, customer service rep, video editor, and organizer. Thad's expanding conscience transformed him into a consistent life ethicist from a past as a proud infantry soldier who assisted the US Army School of the Americas and strongly favored the death penalty. But he changed, and has been involved with Pax Christi, Veterans for Peace, Christian Peacemaker Teams, School of the Americas Watch, and other peace and justice groups. He finally realized war is a pro-life issue and that Pro-Life and Pro-Peace are one.
He saw that his life and peace work would be more effective, powerful, and consistent by including public advocacy for pre-born lives with his stands for peace, justice, nonviolence, human rights, and freedom of conscience. He started participating with 40 Days for Life and the Texas Alliance for Life. Thad naively thought he was doing something new until he discovered the Consistent Life Network at our 2015 conference in Austin, Texas, after which he soon joined the Board of Directors.
Latest CL Blog
Mary Liepold tells of her journey to the consistent life ethic in “Off the Fence and Taking My Stand on Abortion.” We would love to have more stories of this kind, so if your own personal journey on this is worth sharing, please write it up and send it in for consideration to weekly@consistent-life.org. Also, this was a piece Mary wrote up for another publication, which didn’t accept it – ever thus is the consistent-life world. If you have something on hand you’ve written connected in any way to the consistent life ethic, please consider us as a possible outlet to publish it.
Quotation of the Week Jason Deparle “Beyond the Legal Right: Why Liberals and Feminists Don’t Like to Talk about the Morality of Abortion” Washington Monthly, April 1989 Note: This is another quotation from an abortion defender who makes interesting issue connections. For more, see the “Seamless Shroud” topic in our Quotations Index. It’s not surprising that the defenders of abortion don’t like pictures of fetuses; General Westmoreland didn’t like the cameras in Vietnam either. Fetuses aren’t babies, and the photos don’t end the discussion. But they make it a more sober one, as it should be.
To submit a possible item for Peace & Life Connections, or if you believe there is an error, please contact us at Peace & Life Connections.