30th Anniversary Conference a Grand Success! August 4-6 we gathered at Eastern University in Pennsylvania for excellent panels, workshops, lit tables from various organizations, and lots of networking among individuals. ∞ See our Facebook page for more photos and details, postings August 4-6 ∞ Conference participant Ifeoma Anunkor has written a blog post giving a good summary of John Carr’s keynote speech Saturday night. See it quoted in our Quotation of the Week below. ∞ Our own blog starts what we expect to be to be a series coming out of the conference’s program. This week’s is part of Jim Kelly’s presentation, called The History of Framing the Arguments. He shares a lot of the exciting history of how the origins of the right-to-life movement were more consistent-life oriented, and the “right” to abortion movement had roots in eugenics. We’re preparing two more blog posts out of points in his presentation alone. With so many fine presentations, we’re eager to share content with the wider consistent-life community.

Top Left: Check-in. Top Right: Friday night panel, from left to right: Shane Claiborne, Ron Sider, Mary Rider, Cassandra Hill. Bottom: A small group of people marched to the Valley Forge Military Academy, about a mile from the conference, to commemorate in sorrow the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on August 6.
Finishing 12 Years

Bill Samuel became president of the Consistent Life Network back in 2005, and is stepping down from the position (as he announced several months ago) as of August 7. We’re delighted and grateful that he was able to devote so long to the task, the longest-serving president by far, and one who kept the organization running smoothly. Fortunately, he remains on the board of directors.
Quotation of the Week Ifeoma Anunkor Consistent Life Ethic Conference: John Carr Gives a Call to Action The Human Life Review Blog, August 9, 2017 Prolifers have two extreme options, [Carr] said: identify as conservatives, who put their central focus on market forces, or identify with progressives, who emphasize lifestyle choices. Neither party has successfully made room for the vulnerable and the poor. . . . Rather than being a group for the “politically homeless,” who can’t see themselves belonging to either party, Carr wants CLE to work toward establishing “dignity caucuses” in both parties. The consistent life ethic is foundational to a healthy society, and therefore does not belong to one party.

Left: Ifeoma Anunkor Right: John Carr speaking at the conference
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