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#384 Conferences, Conservatives, Euthanasia Drops - October 27, 2017

Life/Peace/Justice Conference a Success At an event featuring keynotes and breakout sessions and literature tables, about a hundred people met in Pittsburgh to network and delve into various aspects of the consistent life ethic. The conference was sponsored by CLN member group Rehumanize International. We’ll be sharing more about the excellent content in the coming weeks. A sampling of images:

CLN Board member Rob Arner presents on Dorothy Day

CLN Advisory Board member Jen Roth tends the table

CLN President John Whitehead presents against nuclear weapons

Kelsey Hazzard of CLN member group Secular Pro-Life presents on making secular arguments


Third in the Series of Conference Videos The breakout session on the history, sociology, and psychology of the consistent life ethic is now up on our video series page. Jim Kelly (pictured left) and Rachel MacNair (pictured right) presented. Jim’s presentation has now resulted in a total of three blog posts (the previous ones are Common Ground and The History of Framing the Arguments; the third is this week’s post). Rachel’s was written into a post called The Mind’s Drive for Consistency. This was an hour and a half session, so it has a lot more detail, plus of course audience questions and comments.


Conservatives Report: Repealing the Death Penalty Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty, while not a CLN member group, interests us because they make excellent points about what’s wrong with the death penalty, and do occasionally connect their case with what’s wrong with abortion. They held a press conference at the National Press Club on October 25 to announce a new report, “The Right Way: More Republican Lawmakers Championing Death Penalty Repeal.”


Good News: Assisted Suicide Downturn The October 24 issue of The Washington Post has an article detailing how “Legalizing Assisted Suicide Has Stalled at Every Level.”


Latest CLN Blog Post: No Resort to Violence In another of our series of posts coming from our 30th anniversary conference, Jim Kelly points out how the leadership of the pro-life movement has used the language of universal nonviolence. This is the third and final post from his presentation, the same one as is in the video feature above.


Quotation of the Week Simon Mercer Justice and Purity,, October 19, 2017 Through politics, we have become unnaturally divided. You’re either supposed to be extremely upset over global pollution, business corruption, and racial issues, or extremely upset over abortion, divorce, and pornography. Why not be passionate about all these issues? If you want social justice and protection for the ecology and environment, also work for family values, but do it non-judgmentally. If you want to see your country climb out of its miserable moral morass, try being sensitive, as well, to ecological issues and have compassion for all minorities, being (once again) non-judgmental. All problems from injustice to impurity are connected and have the same solution.


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