Human Rights Day: December 10 Ward Ricker of Human Rights for All Ages writes: “Once again we approach International Human Rights Day on December 10. We are fighting the biggest and most important human rights battle on the earth today . . . In spite of all the hard work done by some over the last 40-plus years, killing preborn human beings still remains “legal” in the U.S. It will continue to be so until people realize that this is a human rights issue. It is really as simple as that. As long as we ignore the field of human rights the children will continue to die. When we stand up in the name of human rights we will see the end of this horror. Human Rights Day is the perfect opportunity to start this process.” If anyone is planning such an action for Human Rights Day, including leafletting or tabling at already-organized events, please let them know.

Around the Web Taking the consistent life ethic as a base, Richard W. Garnett, professor and associate dean at the Notre Dame Law School, published “Life Affirming” in Notre Dame Magazine. Thoughts range widely from the Supreme Court to the problem of contempt on each side in political campaigns to the whole reason why the pro-life position is so very important, and the consistent life ethic along with it. Fr. Rafael Garcia, SJ has written about us in "The Church’s Consistent Ethic of Life: The ‘Narrow Door’.” in the Jesuits: Central and Southern newsletter. See pages 22-23.
Latest CLN Blog Post: Could My Experience with Dan Berrigan Shed Light? Carol Crossed shares part of her personal journey by telling about a recent event – a performance of “Molly’s Hammer” about Molly Rush, Daniel Berrigan, and the Plowshares actions. When Dan was in Rochester, he did a sit-in protest at an abortion clinic as well as a military depot, and Carol was asked about it.
Quotation of the Week Mark Shields Shields & Brooks, PBS News Hour, November 17, 2017 Shields is commenting on the upcoming special election in the US state of Alabama for the US Senate. The Republican, Roy Moore, has been accused by many women of sexual harassment when they were still minors. For other quotations from Mark Shields on politics, click here and here. [T]he governor, Kay Ivey, of Alabama says she has no reason not to believe the women, but she’s still going to vote for Roy Moore. Now, there is a disconnect there. And the only explanation can be just blind, unyielding, total partisanship . . . Let’s be very blunt about it. There were feminists who rallied to Bill Clinton’s support during his long, complicated lying to the American people about a disproportionate power relationship that he had with a 21-year-old intern and adulterous behavior, who rallied to his support because Bill Clinton was pro-choice on abortion.
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