Reminder: Vigil for Our Lives March 23 See our Facebook Events Page for details and join us at the US Capitol, and/or send your friends! This is a vigil by several consistent-life groups in conjunction with the next day’s March for Our Lives in Washington, DC, where we expect to have a contingent in the march.
Religious Education Congress With over 34,000 people, tabling at the annual RE Congress held in Anaheim, California is one of our major annual events. Many are already consistent-lifers, and many become so immediately upon learning what the consistent life ethic means. This was almost an entirely friendly crowd, eager to become more educated. Welcome to all the new people who just signed up for this newsletter!

Photos Top: Nancy Mores signs up with Rachel MacNair looking on Bottom: Lisa Stiller in the anti-death-penalty vigil at the RE Congress on Saturday
Latest Issue of Life Matters Journal
CLN member group Rehumanize International has put out a new edition of Life Matters Journal. This issue includes Acyutananda’s analysis of why liberals and the Democratic Party moved toward a "pro-choice" stance; Krista Corbello’s reflection on how she was once an “unplanned pregnancy”; a poem by Genevieve Greinetz; a commentary on housing policy by Matthew M. Robare; and a short story by CLN President John Whitehead.
Good News and Bad News Last Tuesday The good news: the US Senate voted on stopping the US role in the war in Yemen, and a substantial portion – 44 senators – voted for stopping. The bad news: this isn’t a majority, so it didn't pass. This is progress compared to having no vote at all, but is heartbreakingly not progress enough for those being killed now. The good news: the US Supreme Court heard arguments that may knock down California's law requiring crisis pregnancy centers to provide information on abortion availability. How this is contrary to freedom of speech was at the forefront. The bad news: Justices Breyer and Sotomayor offered the bizarre argument that compelling opponents to advertise what they oppose is somehow equivalent to compelling professional doctors to give specified information about a surgery before they perform that surgery.
Latest CLN Blog Post The eugenics movement was dealt a major blow when the Nazis' actions showed where such an ideology could lead; a leading eugenicist responded with a new strategy to disguise eugenics' reality. This week’s post is Post-World War II Eugenics, fourth of five in our series of excerpts from John Cavanaugh- O'Keefe's book, The Roots of Racism and Abortion: An Exploration of Eugenics.
Quotation of the Week George Will, conservative columnist The Real Down Syndrome Problem: Accepting Genocide Washington Post, March 14, 2018 Iceland must be pleased that it is close to success in its program of genocide, but before congratulating that nation on its final solution to the Down syndrome problem, perhaps it might answer a question: What is this problem? . . . Now, before Iceland becomes snippy about the description of what it is doing, let us all try to think calmly about genocide, without getting judgmental about it. It is simply the deliberate, systematic attempt to erase a category of people. . . . Highly (almost but not perfectly) accurate prenatal screening tests can reveal Down syndrome in utero. The expectant couple can then decide to extinguish the fetus and try again for a normal child who might be less trouble, at least until he or she is an adolescent with hormonal turbulence and a driver’s license. Note: we often quote people who aren’t consistent-lifers if the quotation itself fits.
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