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Consistent Life publishes Peace & Life Connections, a weekly one-page e-mail newsletter featuring related news and events, member group activities, and consistent life quotes.

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Peace & Life Connections Index

#410 PP Declines, Art Contest, Mother's Day - May 11, 2018

Planned Parenthood’s Decline In September 2015, the Charlotte Lozier Institute researched the locations of all U.S. Planned Parenthood centers. It put them on maps for each state with a contrasting map showing the much larger number of Community Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics. We’ve added those maps to each state’s listing in our Grassroots Defunding: Finding Alternatives to Planned Parenthood campaign – and noticed something quite encouraging. We researched all the PP centers in the fall of 2017, just about 2 years after the Lozier Institute did. In that time, the total number of U.S. PP centers decreased by 52 (53 fewer in 20 states, and one added in one state) - a decline of almost 8%. This leaves PP with just over 600 centers nationwide.

PP Indiana/Kentucky client decline graphic

Indiana Right to Life has an excellent web page called “Still Running” that documents the steep decline in clients of PP’s Indiana/Kentucky affiliate. This page is a good model on how to get the word out about the trend, both educating and perhaps helping to create a bandwagon.


Calling All Artists! CLN member group Rehumanize International is sponsoring their Create | Encounter art contest for a second year. They're looking for striking pieces that incorporate any of the consistent life ethic issues in creative forms such as poetry, art, music, and videos. See submission guidelines. The deadline is July 15.

Rehumanize Int'l create \ encounter contest graphic


Latest CLN Blog Post: Mother’s Day Mother’s Day began as a protest against war, as Rob Arner explains in The Real Meaning of Mother’s Day. The connection between mothering and wanting to avoid children being killed seemed like a good fit to founder Julia Ward Howe. She favored the abolition of slavery, and initially welcomed the U.S. Civil War as a way to end it. She showed her war support by writing the song The Battle Hymn of the Republic. Later, she was appalled by the amount of carnage resulting from the Civil War (plus the Franco-Prussian war), and felt the need to found Mother’s Day for Peace. This later developed into the upcoming holiday which is now celebrated in many countries.


Webmaster Needed CLN is looking for a volunteer to take over the responsibilities of Webmaster. The duties are to keep the Web site updated, under the direction of the CLN Educational Resources Committee. Our main Web site uses the Wix platform. Experience with Wix is desirable, but not essential. Each week we have to update the site with our weekly e-newsletter Peace & Life Connections. This needs to be done between Thursday evening when P&LC is finalized and Friday noon Eastern time, when P&LC is released. There is also limited work on our legacy Web site, which uses straight HTML. If you have questions contact us at


Quotation of the Week Julia Ward Howe Original Mother’s Day Proclamation

Julia Ward Howe

Arise, all women who have hearts, whether your baptism be that of water or of tears! Say firmly: “We will not have great questions decided by irrelevant agencies, our husbands shall not come to us, reeking with carnage, for caresses and applause. Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn all that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience. We women of one country will be too tender of those of another country to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs.”


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