#426 Gosnell Movie, Unwelcome, Elections - August 31, 2018
Gosnell Movie The trailer is now out for Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer. The movie is based on the true story of an abortionist convicted of murdering newborn babies, and manslaughter of a woman. The movie is due out on October 12. It’s uncommon for Hollywood to take a story like this seriously, and it’s likely to have trouble getting into some theaters – as it is, it’s an independent production funded through a Go Fund Me campaign. Any help on getting it to theaters, and getting theater goers to the movie, will be a tremendous boost to public education on the issue.
Pro-Lifers for Peace Not Welcome? Activists from member group Rehumanize International participated last weekend in the Pittsburgh March for Peace. While the activists were speaking to reporters covering the March, other attendees, who objected to Rehumanize’s pro-life stance on abortion, attempted to disrupt the interview. Rehumanize member Herb Geraghty, who was present at the confrontation, recounts it on Twitter. That peace activists would not accept pro-lifers as allies is tragic—and counterproductive. As Herb puts it: “To say that you can’t be both anti-abortion and be involved in anti-war activism is absurd. People are being slaughtered in our name and our planet is literally dying all for the profits of the few. This is an emergency. We need everyone.”
Herb Geraghty, at Pittsburgh March for Peace
Election Season In the U.S., Labor Day (this year on September 3) is traditionally the start of campaign season for the November elections, after most of the primaries to select candidates have been held. So this is a good time to remind you that we have a page of suggestions for Actions at Election Time. You might also find valuable a resource from Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL; “Friends” being Quakers) on specific questions to ask about current peace and justice issues. FCNL has no position on abortion, but our creative minds can easily see the connections, and help others to understand them as well. In public forums, after all, it’s not just the candidates, but the audience being educated. We also have bumper stickers and yard signs available.
Quotation of the Week Battle Scars: Military Veterans and the Death Penalty A Report by the Death Penalty Information Center When many of these veterans faced death penalty trials, their service and related illnesses were barely touched on as their lives were being weighed by judges and juries. Defense attorneys failed to investigate this critical area of mitigation; prosecutors dismissed, or even belittled, their claims of mental trauma from the war; judges discounted such evidence on appeal; and governors passed on their opportunity to bestow the country's mercy. In older cases, some of that dismissiveness might be attributed to ignorance about PTSD and related problems. But many of those death sentences still stand today when the country knows better.
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