March for Life – Join Us! We have our events page up for those who’d like to join us in Chicago or Washington DC. We have lit tables at the Expo, the O’Connor conference, and the Students for Life conference, plus our usual post-March Open House meeting. Rehumanize International, as usual, has a pre-March rally. Also, our member group Democrats for Life will hold a Breakfast on the theme “Pro-life for the Whole Life,” with speakers including C.J. Williams and Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa, and from there will walk over to join the Rehumanize rally.

Included in the related events on the official March for Life page: “Catholic Mobilizing Network is co-sponsoring a special screening of the award-winning documentary, Where There Is Darkness.” This is an anti-death penalty film. For those attending their own local Roe-anniversary events, we encourage you to check out our resources to download and print – pick the ones most suitable to the occasion.
Around the Web

Our supporter Charles Camosy has a January 9 Opinion piece in The New York Times: “The War of Words on Abortion.” The sub-title is: “I’m pro-life. But many people describe me based on what I’m against, not what I’m for.” We quote from this article below.

Also in The New York Times, an Opinion piece from January 2: "The Dangerous Rise of the IUD as Poverty Cure." The sub-title is “The notion that limiting women’s reproduction can cure societal ills has a long, shameful history.” The authors are clear that they’re fine with contraception as something couples may choose to do. But they give a good analysis for the connection to eugenics, to involuntary sterilization, coercion and pressure, and to a bad understanding of what really causes poverty - diverting us from taking steps really needed to prevent and alleviate poverty.

Commonweal has a positive January 3 story called "Risking Peace: How Religious Leaders Ended Uganda’s Civil War."
Latest CLN Blog Post: Dr. Charlotte Denman Lozier (1844-1870)
In the 1800s, when it was a radical idea for women to become doctors, women who did so had the same pro-life understanding as other feminists of the day. This week we document this with an excerpt from ProLife Feminism: Yesterday & Today - "Restellism Exposed: Abortion Opposed by Early Women Physicians." In The Revolution, the newspaper of Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, staff writers praised Dr. Charlotte Lozier for stopping an abortion she was asked to commit.
Quotation of the Week Charles C. Camosy The War of Words on Abortion, The New York Times, January 9, 2019. Alternative title, also given by the Times: "I Am Pro-Life. Don’t Call Me Anti-Abortion. That kind of language allows critics to dismiss me and fellow pro-lifers as single-issue obsessives."
We have shifted our language in ways that hide the dignity of the vulnerable, in this instance and on issues far from the abortion debate as well. . . . The Trump administration’s forced separation of immigrant children from their parents is a classic example of using people as objects. . . . A genuine concern for justice for the most vulnerable — one directed at something other than advancing a particular political agenda — must resist throwaway culture across issues that transcend our crumbling right-left politics. People who are committed to justice for the most vulnerable will be on the alert for dehumanizing language intended to confirm biases and serve the interests of those who hold power over the weak.
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