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Peace & Life Connections Index

#456 Peace & Life:Unplanned, Art, Parker, Orwell - April 12, 2019

Unplanned as a News-Maker The success of Unplanned, a Hollywood movie recently released in theaters, achieving the rank of fourth highest watched in its first weekend, has been noted in sources unsympathetic to its core pro-life message. This includes The New York Times, “With ‘Unplanned,’ Abortion Opponents Turn Toward Hollywood,” and Slate, “I Saw the Hit Anti-Abortion Movie That the “Social Media Masters” Don’t Want You to See: It was quite a trip. The movie tells the story of Abby Johnson and how she went from Planned Parenthood clinic director to pro-life activist. Abby is one of our endorsers.

Ashley Batcher plays Abby Johnson; here she sees for the first time a sonogram of the baby about to be killed. Credit: Pure Flix


Art Exhibit: “Shadows and Ashes: The Peril of Nuclear Weapons”

A collection of peace-themed artwork on the dangers of nuclear weapons will be on display at Montgomery College’s Cultural Arts Center in Silver Spring, Maryland, from April 15 to May 31. The traveling exhibit from Princeton University includes photographic portraits, drawings, and testimonials from Hiroshima survivors, among other works. A special opening reception will be held at 7 pm on April 17. The exhibit is co-sponsored by Peace Action MD and Prevent Nuclear War MD, with whom we collaborated on the “Two Minutes to Midnight” conference last fall.


The Case of Willie Parker Dr. Parker is an abortion provider who has gained prominence by advocating a Christian case for abortion, and regards his providing abortions as a ministry. Here’s an article that gives the state of sexual abuse accusations made against him as of March 27: “There’s a #MeToo Scandal Brewing in the Reproductive Rights World. We’ll offer updates on this case as they become available.

Tweet from the article, from a member group


Prolife Ob/Gyns Many fine presentations were offered at the April 5-7 conference of the American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) in Indianapolis. We had a table there. We acquainted the pro-life women’s health doctors with our campaign, Grassroots Defunding: Finding Alternatives to Planned Parenthood. They would have special expertise about their own local medical arrangements, so it was a very productive set of encounters.

Donna Harrison, Executive Director of AAPLOG, with CLN’s Rachel MacNair


Latest CLN Blog Post: George Orwell This is the 70th anniversary year of George Orwell’s famous novel, 1984. John Whitehead takes the occasion to reflect on the consistent-life content of the rest of Orwell’s writing in recognizing the humanity of the poor, the colonized, the condemned, and the preborn, in Recognizing Humanity: Orwell and the Consistent Life Ethic.


Quotation of the Week Charles C. Camosy Ross Douthat's Expanding Seamless Garment Church Life Journal, April 2, 2019 When even traditional pro-lifers go beyond single-issue concerns to include, say, euthanasia and human cloning, they are not diluting the uniquely horrific evil of abortion. They are simply following their principles . . . consistently. This makes their witness against abortion stronger, not weaker. It mitigates against the widely-held (but obviously false) view that pro-lifers are against abortion, not because of concern for the marginalized, but because of an explicit or implicit desire to control the sex lives and bodies of women. If they went further—and focused their pro-life concern on racism, poverty, sexual and domestic violence, patriarchy, ableism, and more—they would find that, in addition to illuminating basic questions of justice for other marginalized populations . . . it would reveal better and more strategic ways to resist the intersecting forces which contribute to the mass slaughter of the unborn.

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