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#463 Media Coverage, Heartless Corporations - May 31, 2019

Approach that Works with the Mainstream Media There’s been much media excitement about US state legislators passing abortion bills. Yet op-eds prominently published this last week show how very effective a consistent-life approach can be – in outlets opposing such legislation. Take a look:

Washington Post Logo

‘Extreme’ Abortion Restrictions Must be Paired with ‘Extreme’ Support for Mothers by Charles Camosy, May 15, author of the recent book Resisting Throwaway Culture: How a Consistent Life Ethic Can Unite a Fractured People.

New York Times Logo

How Republicans Hurt the Fight against Abortion by Gracy Olmstead, May 27 (a writer for several conservative publications). Despite the partisan nature of the title, she makes a non-partisan case for how consistency would help; see the Quotation of the Week below.


Resistance to “Corporate America” The relationship of cold-hearted large corporations to war preparations is so wide and deep it has a label: the military-industrial complex. But there’s also a connection between the profit motive and harm to human beings in other issues of socially-approved violence. We mentioned upcoming protests against Stericycle for facilitating the killing of preborn babies by disposing of the bodies, despite company policy not to do so. Those protests have now happened, and Eric Scheidler tells the delightful tale of his witness to Stericycle’s board meeting in this video.

Eric Scheidler Mark Harrington

Eric Scheidler (left) interviewed by Mark Harrington (right)


Response to “No Conscientious Objection Allowed” The New York Times published an opinion on May 13: Can Doctors Refuse to Treat a Patient? The author’s answer was no – doctors must do abortions and assisted suicide, refer to those who will, or avoid the specialties that “require” them. Rachel MacNair wrote them a letter saying this would deprive her of her right to a doctor that doesn’t kill people – and it was published on May 24! She was identified as vice-president of the Consistent Life Network. Other letters responding to the opinion were quite well written.


Latest CLN Blog Post: Life-Affirming Doctors

Many places are pushing “aid in dying” on people who don’t want it but who the pushers think ought to want it. Can we make ourselves safer by having a widely-available directory of doctors who can be trusted not to be pushers? In Life Affirming Doctors, we have one writer who explains her personal story about how very badly she needs such a directory in Part 1. In Part 2, our board member Richard Stith gives a short comment on what’s wrong with compelling doctors to go against their own consciences. A directory of this kind would be a lot of work to pull together properly, but if there are some organizations or localities that have such a resource, perhaps this could be pooled together and built upon so that all localities have one – in any state, province, or country where the need is keenly felt.


Job Opening Our member group, Pax Christi USA, has an opening for Executive Director; deadline for applications is July 1. See details here.


Quotation of the Week Gracy Olmstead How Republicans Hurt the Fight against Abortion The New York Times, May 27, 2019

But considering the deep hostility and division in American politics, it is possible that a consistent life ethic might help advance the cause as much as (or even more than) political legislation. Because unless and until abortion opponents pursue greater integrity in our politics, people are likely to misunderstand them. They are likely to see us as hypocrites and won’t take seriously the passion at the heart of many conservatives who are fighting for life in the womb. Gracy Olmstead & child, Twitter photo

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