October Conferences We encourage you to consider coming to these conferences. We’ll have a presence at each, so if you’d like to hook up with us, let us know at weekly@consistent-life.org. October 11-13, Dallas Texas: Save Lives on the Sidewalk National Pro-Life Conference Sponsored by Sidewalk Advocates for Life (not a CLN member group), 2nd annual conference October 18-20, New Orleans, LA Rehumanize Conference on Life, Peace, and Justice Sponsored by Rehumanize International (definitely a CLN member group) 6th annual conference

Photo from last month’s Democrats for Life 2nd annual conference
The Discontent of Planned Parenthood Workers

An online women's magazine, Verily, looks at why Dr. Leana Wen was pushed out as president of Planned Parenthood (PP), and why many PP frontline workers are so dissatisfied. The article has quite a bit about the work of CLN Endorser Abby Johnson and her organization that assists people who want to get out of the abortion business, And Then There Were None (a CLN member group) . Authored by Margaret Brady (pictured) and published August 7, it’s called Drama in HR: Why Are So Many Employees Leaving Planned Parenthood?
Latest CLN Blog Post We often use “inconsistent” as the opposite of the consistent life ethic, but in fact there are many ways of being consistent about opposing one kind of killing without being against all kinds of killing. Yet much of the language that opposes one kind of killing could be expected to cover all killing, so then an inconsistency can be seen. Julia Smucker considers all this in What Does It Mean to Be Inconsistent?
We Need Quotations! Please remember to send in all kinds of items to share. Especially now, our quotation bank is running a little low, so we’d be especially pleased for people to send in their favorite consistent-life quotations (or seamless-shroud quotations) for future use. Send to weekly@consistent-life.org. Remember also to consider writing full-fledged blog posts; see guidelines at the bottom of the List of All Posts.
Quotation of the Week Dangertalk: Voices of abortion providers, p. 77 Social Science & Medicine, July, 2017 volume 184, pages 75-83 One provider described how her work is similar to being a soldier: “[abortion work] feels like being in war . . . I think about what soldiers feel like when they kill.” Another observed, “abortion is life and death and I think for me it's about providers saying, “’yes we end lives here,’ and being okay with that. Because I feel like a lot of us may have different opinions . . . I had a woman wake up in the recovery room and say, ‘I just killed my baby.’ And I said to her, ‘You did, and that's okay.’ And just, being okay, to say that. And we don't all agree with that's what we're doing here. But that's what I feel we're doing here. And I'm okay with that.”
Responses/News Tips/Questions to share are all welcome.
Send to weekly@consistent-life.org.