#478 Price of Roe, PP closures, Win-Lose September 13, 2019
The Price of Roe – Cards Now Available Our new website, The Price of Roe, is designed for our fellow peace and justice activists who are only pro-Roe v. Wade because they think they’re supposed to be. They’re not pro-abortion activists, but they haven’t thought about it much. While we already offer much material to explain to them what’s wrong with abortion and euthanasia, this site explains the damage Roe v. Wade has also done to other causes. Hopefully, they’d react less negatively if Roe is ever overturned or seriously curtailed. We now have 4” by 6” cards, front and back pictured below, for putting on lit tables, doing mass leafleting, etc. These are available free to member groups and individual members; all others, $5 per set of 50 plus $3 shipping. Contact info@consistent-life.org.
Planned Parenthood Withdrew from Title X - Closures Have Begun Cincinnati, Ohio has three PP locations. News reports say two (Springdale and Western Hills) will close September 20. Once they do, of course, their listings will be removed from the listings of PP centers matched to nearby alternatives on our website, Grassroots Defunding: Finding Alternatives to Planned Parenthood. Many news sources observe these centers don’t do abortions and think this is a problem since the point of the new regulations was focused on abortion. Yet we’ll probably see centers that only refer for abortions are the most likely to close first, because Title X was covering a larger portion of their budget. They have no abortion cash coming in. These centers number roughly 250 out of the roughly 600 PP locations, about 40%. But there’s no such thing as a PP center that doesn’t at least refer for abortions. That’s the reason they withdrew from Title X. They could have kept the money otherwise. While we admire (and some of us are) sidewalk advocates making a final plea at the last minute, it’s going to be far more effective to reach mothers well before the last minute. If the mothers never have an abortion pitched to them in the first place, because they’re getting their medical care at places that don’t push it, this not only saves the children’s lives, but is a favor to the mothers as well.
Reminder: Upcoming Conferences We encourage you to consider coming to these conferences. We’ll have a presence at each, so if you’d like to hook up with us, let us know at weekly@consistent-life.org October 11-13, Dallas Texas: Save Lives on the Sidewalk National Pro-Life Conference Sponsored by Sidewalk Advocates for Life (not a CLN member group), 2nd annual conference October 18-20, New Orleans, LA Rehumanize Conference on Life, Peace, and Justice Sponsored by Rehumanize International (definitely a CLN member group) 6th annual conference
Latest CLN Blog Post: Win-Lose Is a Mirage Bill Samuel explains: “It occurs to me that this problem of a win-lose perspective applies across the board. In many different contexts, we may try to gain while others lose but it doesn’t work well.” He explained how win-lose is unrealistic in several of those contexts: Win-Lose is a Mirage.
Quotation of the Week Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood clinic director now pro-life activist and CLN Endorser
My own story is one of redemption. I vehemently oppose the death penalty because it perpetuates the illusion that certain individuals are beyond redemption. Regardless of someone’s past actions, their life always has value. For all who are pro-life, we are called to oppose all threats to life from conception to natural death – including the death penalty.
Responses/News Tips/Questions to share are all welcome.
Send to weekly@consistent-life.org.