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#484 Sidewalk, Nukes, Interns, Klopfer October 25, 2019

Sidewalk Advocates Conference The second annual conference went well. Rachel MacNair acquainted many people face-to-face with the website for Grassroots Defunding: Finding Alternatives to Planned Parenthood, which matches PP centers to better medical care nearby. Excitingly, both Abby Johnson and Pam Whitehead sat for interviews Rachel videotaped. Abby was a director of Planned Parenthood, and Pam heads up the Check My Clinic program. Once edited, these will be exceedingly informative additions to the website. Pictured are Abby at the microphone and Pam on the right, in a panel offered by CLN member group And Then There Were None.


Nuke Protesters Have Convictions The long-awaited trial of the Kings Bay Plowshares 7 started in Georgia October 21. On October 24, they were convicted on all four counts, and face sentencing in 60-90 days but are free until then. See their full press conference here. Defendants include consistent-lifers, most notably Patrick O’Neill, who’s been to our conferences and written for us, and is married to Mary Rider, who’s been even more active, including several years as our executive director.


Internships with CLN Available! We welcome applicants to our newly launched internship tracks, which contribute to our work to defend life against the threats of abortion, the death penalty, euthanasia, poverty, racism, and war. Our interns should be committed to defending human life from violence; organized and detail-oriented; and able to work with a diverse group of people. Internships include work on our Grassroots Defunding initiative; the Consistent Life Action Foundation; our CLKids! youth outreach; and social media. Internship length varies but typically is in the 3-6 month range. Paid positions may be available. College students are especially encouraged to apply. We ask our readers to please share these opportunities with anyone they know who might be interested, and to reach out to schools near you that might have internship programs.


Latest CLN Blog Post Last weekend our member group Rehumanize International sponsored a conference focusing on the consistent life ethic. Several of us who attended share our stories and photos in Rehumanize International - 6th Annual Conference.


Quotation of the Week Chris Tye, documentarian Documentary Film Might Provide Insight into Mind of Abortion Doctor Who Stockpiled Fetal Remains Channel 2 CBS Chicago, September 25, 2019 Ten months before the death of Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, the Indiana abortion doctor who stored thousands of fetal remains in his garage, the doctor sat down with a filmmaker for an interview. . . . “Let me put it this way, in 1945 I was with my aunt, in the suburbs of Dresden,” Klopfer said in the documentary. “In February of 1945, in between the Americans and the English, they firebombed Dresden for three days and two nights.” American and British bombs killed tens of thousands in the East German city of Dresden in 1945. . . . “After the Berlin Wall fell down and Germany reunited, in 1994, they decided to rebuild the women’s church,” Klopfer said. “In the basement, they found dead bodies from World War II, OK?” The story of bodies being found years after the lives ended was a story Klopfer very much wanted told. “I like to put it this way – the gospel according to George Klopfer goes like this: ‘In the beginning, the Americans bombed my home.’ Everything else has been dictated by that as his worldview,” said documentarian Mark Archer. We didn’t ask him about it. He made a point of bringing it up.”

Ulrich Klopfer

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