March for Life Starts in the Midwest Note: See our March for Life 2020 page for a full list of ways to participate. Events for Washington, DC, the West Coast, and local events all over the United States are coming up next week! In recent years, the March in Chicago has grown from a small local event to the main Midwest event protesting Roe v. Wade. Held earlier than the DC March so people can attend both, it happened this year on January 11. For the first time, organizers added a one-day conference. We had a literature table there, along with our member groups Rehumanize International, Democrats for Life, and the American Solidarity Party.

Left: Rachel MacNair and Emiliano Vera pose with our display. Vera is running for State Representative in Illinois (see his Facebook page). Right: Rehumanize International table.
Endorse the Declaration for Peace! We recently became an endorser of World Beyond War’s Declaration of Peace, which outlines a vision for a global peace movement. The Declaration describes war’s many devastating effects on human life, the environment, civil liberties, and the economy. It concludes with a commitment “to engage in and support nonviolent efforts to end all war and preparations for war and to create a sustainable and just peace.” Both individuals and organizations can endorse the Declaration. World Beyond War also offers a list of recommended peace activities for endorsers to pursue, from spreading the word through public speaking and works of art to lobbying elected officials. We encourage Consistent Life members to join us in endorsing the Declaration of Peace!

Martin Sheen, an endorser of our Mission Statement (see his personal take), has narrated a video explaining the case, and making a connection between war and climate change.
Our Latest Blog Post

We know that one of the biggest connections among all our issues of violence is to use euphemisms to pretend that violence isn’t what’s actually happening. Sarah Field expounds on this in Abortion and War: Breaking through the Euphemism Barrier.

Kathryn Jean Lopez Women Deserve Better Than What Michelle Williams Has Had to Live National Review, January 13, 2020

No one should ever be alone. Alone is what I thought of when I saw Michelle Williams’s Golden Globes speech. Her words, about carving her life with her own hand, seemed to cry out with a haunting “alone.” For all her years in the industry, what pain must she have suffered! I remember thinking this when Robin Williams died by his own hand: Throughout our lives, we are entertained by people. But do we give thought to their lives? Do we pray for them? I think this is a place for common ground, too, among people who consider themselves pro-life and people who love the earth. Sometimes they are the same people, and it’s only natural that they would — this is all creation.
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