December 1 at the U.S. Supreme Court
A natural magnet for rallies, the arguments in the Dobbs case – one with the potential to overturn or severely curtail Roe v. Wade – happening inside the Court drew many of our member groups.

Mainstream Media Musings
Because of the Supreme Court arguments, there was more coverage of abortion than usual. That’s why some good coverage of what’s wrong with abortion came even from sources whose editorial policies are explicitly pro-abortion.

The New York Times: Why the Feminist Movement Needs Pro-Life People, by Tish Harrison Warren, November 28, 2021. The author is an Anglican priest and has written positively of the consistent life ethic before, though this piece is focused on the related idea of pro-life feminism.

The Washington Post: Mississippi Attorney General: Overturning ‘Roe’ Will Return Abortion Policy to the People, by Lynn Fitch, November 28, 2021. The author isn’t a consistent-lifer, but as a state attorney general it’s good to have a professional woman making the case.

The New York Times: Ross Douthat hasn’t ever identified as a consistent-lifer, but he does articulate well to readers who don’t commonly come across it in The Case Against Abortion (November 30, 2021). He also holds up the pro-life case in a conversation among journalists where he’s the only one doing so in Four Times Opinion Writers Debate Abortion at the Supreme Court: ‘My Guess Is They Overturn’ on December 1. He made the important point about the necessity of social and economic supports for mothers and children.
Our Latest Blog Post
Acyutananda expounds on The Consistent Life Ethic and Traditional Tantra (Not the Tantra That You May Have Heard Of).

Quotation of the Week

Sebastián Piñera, President of Chile
March, 2012 (translated from Spanish)
Some argue that Chile will be a less modern and civilized country if it doesn’t imitate what other supposedly better developed nations have done, where abortion is not only legal but widely accepted. But they are wrong. They forget that Chile has a more than one hundred year tradition of protecting fundamental rights, that we were one of the first countries in the world to establish liberty for the children of slaves and prohibit slavery. And precisely the way that a society treats its weakest members—senior citizens, the sick, the most poor, those who suffer some sort of handicap, and unborn children—says much about the level of its civilization than its material wealth, the height of its buildings, the quality of its infrastructure, or its military might.