Round-up of Resources
Delving Deeper
Into the Consistent Life Ethic
These are blogs from our member groups that will have frequent consistent-life and/or pro-life feminist commentary (in alphabetical order):
And of course we also have a blog; here’s the list of all our posts by topic.
Other Web Resources
The websites of our member groups that focus on the consistent life ethic and/or pro-life feminism are full of good information. We highlight particularly:
Feminists for Life has a page with extensive information on the pro-life predilections of our feminist foremothers, a campaign plan for college campuses, and set of short articles with practical tips called Women Deserve Better.
Life Matters Journal is run by Rehumanize International. This has lengthier articles on aspects of the consistent life ethic, generally organized into theme issues.
Pax Christi covers the war in Ukraine, racial justice, and nuclear disarmament.
Friends Witness for a Pro-life Peace Testimony is a Quaker website (including a Mennonite page). Among its many pages looking at aspects of the consistent life ethic are Pacifism 101 for non-Quaker pro-lifers, and a set of quotations from abortion providers showing that they know it’s killing human beings, sometimes relating it to war.
For many more books on the ethic, on pro-life feminism, and on related issues writing by consistent-life sympathizers, see our Book Recommendations.
Our member group Feminists Choosing Life of New York also has a recommended list.
Here are some major ones:

Consistently Opposing Killing:
From Abortion to Assisted Suicide, the Death Penalty, and War
Edited by Rachel M. MacNair & Stephen Zunes

Peace Psychology Perspectives on Abortion
Edited by Rachel MacNair

Consistently Pro-Life: The Ethics of Bloodshed in Ancient Christianity
Written by Rob Arner

Rehumanize: A Vision to Secure Human Rights for All,
Written by Aimee Murphy
Our Latest Blog Post
Lisa Stiller expresses our common anguish over elections, right at the time when our anguish is highest, in Abortion on the Ballot.

Reminder: Since referendums are much easier to decide how to vote on, since they focus on issues directly, we're tracking several, and offering resources to help campaign on them, at:
Quotation of the Week
Juli Loesch (aka Julianne Wiley)
roundtable discussion on "Abortion: A Question of Survival?"
WIN, August 1, 1980
There isn't any societal consensus about abortion becoming illegal. But I think there will be a consensus someday. I think the consensus will be led by people on the Left. And I think they'll be led by feminists, and in particular by women who have had abortions, and by doctors and nurses who have participated in abortion but want to stop it.