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Consistent Life publishes Peace & Life Connections, a weekly one-page e-mail newsletter featuring related news and events, member group activities, and consistent life quotes.

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Peace & Life Connections Index

#593 - Peace & Life: Jan 22 Day of Horror & Hope - January 7, 2022

January 22: Day of Horror & Hope

Horror: This is the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme court decision, which unleashed massive feticide in all 50 states and promoted the same throughout the world. Even if Roe is ever overturned or severely curtailed, it will take a good long time to work through all the damage.

Hope: This year is the first anniversary of the United Nations Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons going into effect. Internationally, nuclear weapons are illegal!

Horror: The countries that actually possess nuclear weapons never ratified the treaty and are ignoring it. It will take a good long time to reach the goal of actual abolition.

Hope: The signs are good for Roe being overturned or severely curtailed this year. If so, a major obstacle to getting our work done will be removed.

Graphic of baby in utero over a peace symbol with words January 22 Day of Horror and Hope

Note on the graphic: Though the circular symbol later expanded to peace in general, it was originally designed as a symbol for nuclear disarmament.

We'd love for people to post the above to personal and organizational social media, or print it up for bulletin inserts for flyers for distributing in appropriate venues.


President’s Son

Moves from Swimmer to Air-Breather

That is to say, CLN President Christina Yao Pelliccioni gave birth to her son Nathaniel on December 29, 2021. Christina sent us a photo and says, “You can tell he takes after me because he's giving his father side-eye already!”

Image of woman at protest; image of father holding baby
Left: Mom at a protest. Right: Dad and Nathaniel


March for Life Chicago (Midwest)

Saturday, January 8th

CLN will have a table at the associated conference, as will many of our member groups. Member group Rehumanize International will have a march contingent, meeting at 12:30 PM at the corner of W Adams Street and S Dearborn Street in front of the Department of Labor Building.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

(the 20th anniversary of its opening)

The rally begins on Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House at noon. Since its opening, 780 Muslim men were detained. Today, 39 remain - most never charged. Thirteen are cleared for transfer, but still imprisoned.

January 16-17, 2022

(the anniversary of the first U.S. execution in the modern era, Utah in 1977)

∞ An indoor gathering on January 16 to come together as a community and be reenergized through talks and testimonies from the front lines of the death penalty issue.

∞ Action on January 17 at the US Supreme Court. A peaceful non-violent direct action that could result in the risk of arrest, plus support opportunities.


Our Latest Blog Post

Rachel MacNair has been a member of the American Psychological Association since 1996, and served as 2013 president of its peace psychology division, among other things. She has struggled with the professional contradictions the organization has on abortion for some time. The time has finally come for her to resign in protest, and here’s her letter explaining why: Scientific Integrity Problems – Psychology.


Quotation of the Week

First Things, October 2021

Photo of Darel E. Paul

America’s abortion regime and the absolutist ideology that animates it is part of a war by the powerful on the weak. This is true not only because it targets unborn children in the womb, the most helpless members of our society. It is also true because the regime is sustained by the rich while it targets the poor. American elites are the country’s main constituency for abortion absolutism while its consequences are visited upon the working class and the underclass. Ending ­America’s war on the weak is not only a legal project. It is a political, economic, and cultural project for the next pro-life generation.


Responses/News Tips/Questions to share are all welcome.


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