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#586 - Peace & Life: Chance to be Heard/Sudan/Non-person Soldiers - November 5, 2021

A Chance to be Heard

The prominent political and polling analysis firm FiveThirtyEight asks: What Do You Think Abortion Access Should Look Like In America? We Want to Hear From You.

Their pitch: “Abortion is one of the thorniest political issues in America, and it’s been that way for years. But it’s also an area where Americans’ views are complex and often contradictory. What people really think about abortion access is notoriously difficult to capture in a poll. And how people feel about the issue is influenced by all kinds of hard-to-quantify factors — their own personal experiences, the political landscape and more.

So we want to capture some of that complexity by talking to you. Think you have a perspective on abortion that’s not represented in the news? Believe we should be talking or thinking about abortion differently? Not sure when you think abortion should be legal or under what circumstances? Fill out the form below to tell us a little about your perspective . . .”

We encourage you to go fill in the form with consistent-life and prolife-feminist perspectives.


Nonviolent Uprising Continues

Images of protestors in Sudan - foreground with one with raised hand

The Sudanese military staged a coup against the democratically-elected Sudanese government, and they’re discovering military takeovers aren’t so simple. This is a classic case of nonviolent non-cooperation, when the citizenry cannot tolerate such glaring violence and injustice. This will take time, but we’re rooting for the Sudanese people to succeed and once again show the world the power of nonviolence.


Dying People Seen as Mere War Instruments

This from CLN board member Sarah Terzo: "I just stumbled across something in my research that was so shocking I had to share it. Did you know that the military expects soldiers to fight even after they have been exposed to fatal radiation from a nuclear weapon?"

"Fatally irradiated soldiers should receive every possible palliative treatment, including narcotics, to prolong their utility and alleviate their physical and psychological distress.
"Depending on the amount of fatal radiation, such soldiers may have several weeks to live and to devote to the cause. Commanders and medical personnel should be familiar with estimating survival time based on onset of vomiting.
"Physicians should be prepared to give medications to alleviate diarrhea and to prevent infection and other sequelae of radiation sickness in order to allow the soldier to serve as long as possible. The soldier must be allowed to make the full contribution to the war effort."

Peter Kilner "Military Leaders' Obligation to Justify Killing in War" Military Review, March – April 2002, p. 24 – 31

Sarah comments: "it's not enough they've been exposed to fatal radiation and are dying, but they can't even be discharged to spend their last moments with their families. They have to keep fighting. It just shows how little our government cares about soldiers. I was shocked."


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Quotation of the Week

Lois Kerschen

Musings from the Pew, September 16, 2021

Cardinal Joseph Bernardin . . . believed that preserving life is entwined with enhancing life. For example, poverty is a life issue because poverty results in poor health and living conditions and thus premature death.

Cardinal Bernardin advocated for the weakest and most powerless. Obviously, the unborn fit that description but so do the hungry, the homeless, the unemployed, the undocumented, and the elderly. . .

Followers of the Consistent Life Ethic are aware that each life issue requires separate analysis; for example, capital punishment involves different complexities than euthanasia but each involves consideration of the sanctity of human life.


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