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#633 - Peace & Life: Referendums/Grants/Tips - October 14, 2022

Reminder: Resources on Referendums

Our website project, Peace and Life Referendums, has all the U.S. referendums we’re tracking. Other nations will also be covered when needed, but right now the focus is on the November 8 election coming up. We have separate pages for each state, and topic pages for themes that come up in the referendums.

We’d especially like people to take advantage of several short videos for social media that we’ve produced for referendums in Kentucky, California, Michigan, and Vermont.


Consistent Life Action Fund

Currently, we have just one active grant project: Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (FADP). The money has been used for literature that has increased awareness, membership, and activity.

Our most recent grants have helped serve pregnant women and their babies, oppose the death penalty, and distribute medications to the poor. We would like to fund projects that deal with other areas of consistent life concern as well. Suggestions are welcome.


More Tips

woman reading on a couch with text "finding resources and support as a pregnant or parenting student"

From our member group, Feminists for Life, and their website of practical tips, here are some of the latest:



Last Call: Rehumanize Online Conference Tomorrow!

If you haven’t yet, you can register and see the schedule here.

Rehumanize 2022


Latest Blog Post

Mary Liepold offers several films she thinks have good insights on consistent-life themes in Seeing Is Believing: Films to Inspire a Consistent Life Viewpoint. We’ve done several posts on films of this kind, in addition to movie reviews of individual movies. A list of those is linked at the bottom of this post.

Back in 2015, our holiday issue included several movies consistent lifers might enjoy viewing while on holiday break. We could do another section on that in this year’s holiday issue, if there’s enough interest. If you have a particular movie you’d like to recommend to the consistent-life community, along with a sentence or paragraph as to why, then please send it in:


Quotation of the Week

Rachel MacNair

Friends Witness for a Pro-life Peace Testimony (member group)

Those who advocate the just war doctrine think that pacifists are naïve to think that there are not times when violence is necessary to protect the innocent. Pacifists think that just war advocates are naïve to think that wars can be done within the strict limits set. . . .

However, the debate actually matters very little. Pacifists would be delighted to see the “just war” limits applied, and in fact make frequent appeal to them. There has never been a war where one side has met all the criteria as a just war. It’s quite rare for one side to even come close. Allowing for human imperfections, the number of wars that would remain if the “just war” standards were loosely applied to one side would be so few as to make war rare, as the preventing-the-death-of-the-mother exception is for abortion.

Responses/News Tips/Questions to share are all welcome.


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